Fighting for gender equality and women's rights
Equality gender male female women's rights
Fighting for the EU charter of Women’s Rights

Women’s rights need to be guaranteed to all women across the EU, which is not the case today. The S&D Group has put forward a proposal for the EU Charter of Women's Rights to set uniform, Europe-wide standards and serve as a guide towards gender equality in all policies at European and national levels. It also reaffirms the S&D Group’s commitment to achieve full gender equality in the EU and ensures the respect and protection of fundamental rights of women, whilst preventing any setbacks.

We believe in 'our body, our rights'

Women’s rights and access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) are in jeopardy, not only in the EU but also globally. Criminalising abortion does not lead to fewer abortions, but instead forces women to seek clandestine abortions in which they risk their health and their lives. This is a serious violation of human rights and a form of gender-based violence. Therefore, the right to free, safe and legal abortion care needs to be recognised under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

We want to eradicate violence against women

Women in the EU face a scourge of sexual and gender-based violence, a widespread violation of their human rights, including the right to bodily autonomy and integrity, and the right to a life free from discrimination. Worldwide, almost one-third of women between the ages 15 and 49 who have been in a relationship have reported physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner. One in 20 women in the EU have been raped since the age of 15. Even the online world is not a safe space for women. One in 10 women in the EU have been victims of online sexual harassment since the age of 15. According to the European Institute for Gender Equality, the cost of gender-based violence in the EU exceeded 290 billion euros in 2019. As S&Ds, we keep up the fight for a tough directive to fight violence against women and gender-based violence that includes a strong consent-based definition of rape. However, our fight does not stop there. We urge the Commission to submit a proposal to the Council to identify gender-based violence as an area of EU Crime, so women everywhere in the EU are protected from all forms of gender-based violence. 

We are committed to closing the pay gap and eliminate women's poverty

We want to close the gender pay and pension gaps to strengthen women’s economic independence. Today, the gender pay gap still stands at 12.7% in the EU, and the gender pension gap is at nearly 30%. One in three women in the EU do not have a paid job. Women do a large majority of part-time work, unpaid domestic care work, and work in female dominated sectors is traditionally undervalued and low-paid. As a result, poverty is female: in Europe, more than 65 million women live in poverty compared to 57 million men, and women's poverty creates child poverty. The S&D Group will continue the fight against the systematic lower pay in female-dominated sectors by addressing the issue of equal pay for 'work of equal value'. We need guidelines that allow us to define and compare the value of work, gender-neutral job evaluation tools, and criteria.

Care work is work

The uneven division between men and women in unpaid care and domestic work remains an obstacle for women's participation in the labour market and their career advancement. To achieve an 'equal earner - equal carer' model in society, we are strongly committed to the implementation of the 2019 Work-Life-Balance Directive, and further develop care policies that foster equal parental and care leave schemes. The recently adopted European Care Strategy should be further developed into an ambitious European Care Deal, equipped with binding instruments and proper public investment. Its aim should be to promote decent working conditions and adequate wages for all carers in order to secure quality jobs that increase the attractiveness of working in the care sector.

We want more women in decision making positions

Diverse groups take decisions that are better, more inclusive and more sustainable. Women in decision-making positions are important role models for the next generation. We want women, especially those facing multiple forms of discrimination, to be represented on an equal footing in the world of economic and political decision-making. To make it happen, we urge the European Council to establish a formal Council on Gender Equality. The EU needs a platform for intergovernmental exchange on gender equality by responsible ministers. We will continue to stand for enabling a fairer representation of women in politics by quota, reserved seats, and zip-lists, but also by implementing codes of conduct and party statutes to improve political culture.