10 demands to fight social dumping and protect all workers

Equal work, equal right and fair competition must be at the heart of a well-functioning Single Market, not only to protect workers but also to protect small and medium enterprises, which are the main engine of job creation in Europe. However, the lacking ambition and dedication of the European Commission and some Member States to fight for the European social model is resulting in the spreading of social dumping, unfair competition and market distortions leading to increasing nationalism and protectionism. It is unacceptable that companies increase their profit margins by exploiting (cross-border) workers as cheap labour and depriving them of their labour and social rights. In addition this practice also deprives Member States of tax income and social security contributions. Social dumping is becoming increasingly common in practically all economic sectors. The European Union cannot afford this situation to continue any longer. The S&D group is firmly committed to fight social dumping, discrimination and the exploitation of workers, especially those who are posted. In order to do so we have 10 key demands.