
The S&D Group secretariat plays a key role in supporting our democratically elected MEPs in the heart of Europe. This special responsibility means that we look to recruit highly motivated people with integrity, a strong political engagement and a wide range of skills and talents. 

If you join us, you’ll be working in a multicultural environment with colleagues from across Europe. You’ll have many opportunities to develop your personal and professional skills.

Our recruitment procedures:* 

Vacancies for 'permanent' posts in the S&D Group secretariat are filled through competitions organised by the S&D Group or by transfers, secondments or promotion, internally or from other EU institutions.

Vacancies for 'temporary' posts (contract agents) are usually filled through spontaneous applications, followed by interviews for suitable candidates. If you are interested please feel free to send your CV and your letter of motivation to s-d.jobs@ep.europa.eu.

* Please note that the S&D Group will process your data in accordance with the Regulation (EC) N°45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies. You have the right to access or rectify data.

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Job opportunities
job opportunities