Labour MEPs vote for EU report promoting greater gender equality - while Tories vote against

Labour MEPs voted today for European action to promote greater equality between women and men. Conservative MEPs voted against.

MEPs voted by 441-205 to adopt a report that addresses a number of key issues, including: reducing the gender pay and pension gaps; combating violence against women; and promoting paid paternity leave to enable fathers to look after their new-born children.

Mary Honeyball MEP, Labour's European spokesperson on women's rights and gender equality, said:

"By voting against this report, Tory MEPs have once again demonstrated their true position on women's rights, while Labour MEPs are leading the way by taking action in promoting gender equality.

"This report highlights areas where urgent action is needed if we are to achieve targets on gender equality, particularly in the area of women's employment.

"Our economic recovery has been one of low wage, temporary and insecure work and this has hit women disproportionately hard. Persistent gender gaps in pay and pensions demonstrate there is still a very long way to go.

"What was at stake here is not just women's economic empowerment but our investment in Europe's future."
For further information, please contact Shamik Das on 0044 7920 441362 or 0032 479 790053. • @EuroLabour