Als wir Elon Musk vor etwas mehr als zwei Jahren mit einem Waschbecken in die Twitter-Zentrale spazieren sahen, hätten wir da erwartet, dass die Dinge so schnell...
Rarely are the moral, legal, political and economic arguments for action as strong as in the case for confiscating Russia’s state assets to fund Ukraine’s recovery and...
Culture and education give the European project its soul. Without it, the EU would have been a mere economic endeavour. But it is not, and this is its strength. Now, less...
Anlässlich des Internationalen Tags zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen haben unsere Europaabgeordneten in verschiedenen europäischen Tageszeitungen einen...
After lengthy negotiations, the European Parliament is set to vote in Strasbourg on the report calling for a Europe-wide approach to prostitution, by decriminalising...
With the social-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2021-27 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), the motorhouse...
Political and economic relations between the EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific community have been held hostage by Hungary and now Poland. This must end, writes...
We entered the 21st century with the presumption that Europeans and Americans would define the future of the world economy, drawing strength from their open and...
The European Commission is currently reviewing capital market rules through its MiFID II/MiFIR proposal, originally presented in 2021. In the midst of a cost of living...