The Progressives in the European Parliament - committed to culture and education

The Progressives in the European Parliament - committed to culture and education

Culture and education give the European project its soul. Without it, the EU would have been a mere economic endeavour. But it is not, and this is its strength.

Now, less than one year before the European elections, it is vital we show not only our young people, but also our entire society what we have achieved and what remains to be done. The list is long because the challenges are many, but below are some of the main points of concern for the Progressives in the European Parliament, working in the parliamentary committee on culture and education.

The credibility of the European project depends on what tangible results we achieve for young people. In this sense, it is crucial the European Year of Youth – 2022 – does not simply remain a year in the calendar. The Progressives in the European Parliament insist on the Member States delivering on one of our major demands – the ban of unpaid internships. The economic and financial difficulties businesses have cannot be a universal excuse for this shameful practice. Interns also work and all work must be remunerated. Talking about the crisis of our economy, one more trend is clear – the ever-increasing need for better vocational education and training. This is necessary in order to get the skilled employees we need. A particular focus has to be put on attracting more girls and women into the world of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). Mutual automatic recognition of learning periods abroad must finally become a reality in order to achieve the long-awaited mobility in education and training.

ALEX SALIBA (Malta) - Vice-President of the Progressive Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, responsible for Innovation, AI and a strong digital Europe for all and PETRA KAMMEREVERT (Germany)/MASSIMILIANO SMERIGLIO (Italy) - co-coordinators of the Progressive Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats in the Committee on culture and education of the European Parliament

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