Achieve affordable housing for all Europeans 

80 million Europeans lack affordable housing. Every day, the number of people who are struggling to pay their rent or the energy bills to heat their homes is growing. Increasingly, middle-income groups are also being affected by a housing crisis that has severely worsened during the Covid-19 crisis. Housing is a human right and all Europeans must have access to decent and affordable housing.

The rampant housing crisis is also a market failure. Housing has become an object of speculation. At the same time, the ‘Airbnb effect’ is speeding up the spiral of rental prices and gentrification to a level where local residents can no longer find and afford housing. We must ensure there is a well-regulated market capable of providing affordable housing to all. Solving the housing crisis will become a test case for the solidarity and the cohesion of our society. Leaving no one behind means first and foremost putting a roof over everyone’s heads. To solve the housing crisis, we call for an integrated EU strategy to create a favourable framework for national, regional and local authorities.

We propose a number of progressive policies such as rental price-control measures, exclusion of social spending from fiscal policies, rules for hospitality services to avoid touristification, the revision of the housing cost overburden rate, inclusion of housing sustainability criteria and support for the circular economy. Public housing policy should be excluded from the competition and state aid rules. We demand that housing affordability must be included in the European Semester and that National Affordable Housing Plans should be incorporated in the National Reform Programmes. Everybody deserves a place to call home.