Capital and wealth taxation in the EU - Ways forward on the path of justice

Capital and wealth taxation in the EU

As the new EU legislature is getting pace, the FEPS and the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation in collaboration with the S&D Group in the European Parliament, organise this seminar to bring momentum to the need to reform wealth and capital income taxation. 

Watch the full recording of the event

The issue of capital taxation is getting more pressing both for political and economic reasons. The current tax mix in most countries is highly unfair. While large multinational companies and ultra-rich find ways to avoid paying their fair share, the main burden of taxation falls on workers and the middle class. This further exacerbates income and wealth inequality, leading to economic dysfunction, desperation and anger of people across the EU and globally. The additional urgency for the EU comes from the need to finance its industrial upgrade, the twin transitions and the growing demand for public services, for which new resources are needed. Moreover, a fairer international tax regime and more public resources are needed for development aid to ensure that no one is left behind. 

We need to rebalance the tax mix to ease the burden on the workers and middle class and make sure corporates and ultra-rich pay their fair share.  

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