S&D MEPs are working hard to make sure the EU's Common Fisheries Policy can continue to improve sustainability and provide healthy, high-quality food for Europeans. Responsible fishing benefits fishing communities, the environment and our dinner plates.
With a strong lead from the S&Ds, the 2013 CFP reform established new standards for fisheries and imports of fishery products. Our focus is now on putting the reform into practice, including adopting multi-annual management plans, revising technical and control measures, and developing a sustainable 'blue growth' agenda - aimed at creating stable resources within a healthy environment while respecting the economic and social aspects of sustainable development.

We worked hard to promote sustainability in the industry, to enhance the conservation of natural resources, to ensure the traceability of food products, and to provide a decent income and fair working conditions for fishermen. Our Group was influential in the way it steered the revision of the Common Fisheries Policy towards a more environmentally sustainable path.