Social dumping (Watch the video)

Social dumping - builders at work

Workers are the backbone of our societies, the fight for their rights remains at the core of the social democratic agenda.

Trade unions and workers' parties have often succeeded in taming capitalism nationally. However, in times of digitisation and cross-border employment, we now must, and can, succeed at a European level.

In times of increased labour mobility, clear procedures for companies to follow when they want to move into another member state are of utmost importance. When companies expand to another member state for genuine economic activity, this can boost growth and create new jobs. However, too often companies only artificially move their headquarters to find lower labour protections or tax rates.

We cannot accept a labour system which leaves millions with no security, no social rights, and no guaranteed income.

People deserve certainty about their income and the hours they have to work. That is the basis from which to build up a living. Right-wing governments do all they can to block this progress but we will never stop fighting for strong protection for all workers. 

We want to establish minimum wages all over Europe, which allow people to live decent lives in their respective countries, and abolish the gender pay gap so that our daughters earn the same wage for the same work as our sons. We also need to reduce the high youth unemployment rates that persist in many parts of Europe.