In un periodo di policrisi senza precedenti e di minacce esistenziali alla democrazia, l'Europa deve far fronte alla frustrazione dell'opinione pubblica per la disuguaglianza economica e sociale attraverso coraggiose riforme fiscali, esortano i Socialisti e Democratici del Parlamento europeo. Un'imposta sul patrimonio e una tassazione minima effettiva sulle plusvalenze possono aprire la strada a una maggiore giustizia fiscale.Jonás Fernández, portavoce S&D per i problemi economici e monetari, ha dichiarato:"La situazione è sconvolgente. In 22 Stati membri dell'UE, l'1% più ricco detiene…
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Check out what's on our progressive agenda next week in Strasbourg: 🇪🇺Commission's Working Programme ⛔️Collaboration between conservatives & far-right as a threat for competitiveness in the EU 🇺🇸Tarrifs! and more👇 Plenary Times - What's on the S&Ds' agenda for…
Female genital mutilations (FGM) are an act of torture. No religion, culture or traditional could ever justify such barbaric attack on a woman’s physical and psychological integrity. In Europe alone, 600,000 women are thought to be living with the stigma. Together, we can raise…
Timely move! We welcome Commission's push for a swift Council position on the Customs Union package that should provide stronger tools to keep unsafe imports from 3rd countries out. Future Digital Fairness Act must shield EU consumers from risky & unsafe e-commerce practices.
Donald Trump's proposal to seize and resettle Gaza is a blatant violation of international law. Forcibly displacing an entire population is not a "vision"- it’s a crime against humanity. This reckless move would fuel conflict, destabilize the region, and stain the moral standing…
Fair taxes for the super-rich are key to prevent political, moral and economic failure. Coordinated wealth taxes and a minimum effective tax on capital gains can pave the way to greater tax justice. @jonasfernandez @b_goncalvesb Fair taxes for the super-rich key to prevent…
We will not allow the deregulation of the Green Deal and financial cuts, says @IratxeGarper. To those who wrongly oppose climate action and competitiveness, defence and social cohesion, we say we have to do both. To secure people and our planet.
Female genital mutilations (FGM) are an act of torture. No religion, culture or traditional could ever justify such a barbaric attack on a young girl’s physical and psychological integrity. In Europe alone, around 600,000 women and girls are thought to be living with the stigma of FGM. 200,000…
Donald Trump’s proposal to seize and resettle Gaza is a blatant violation of international law. Forcibly displacing an entire population is not a “vision” — it’s a crime against humanity. This reckless move would fuel conflict, destabilize the region, and stain the moral standing of the US. The…
Freedom of expression is at the core of our democracy. That doesn’t mean people should be allowed to spread hatred online. Because racism is not an opinion. Homophobia is not an opinion. Sexism is not an opinion. We’re here to defend the rights and freedoms of all Europeans, online and offline.
For the first time since the end of the third Reich, a vote in the German parliament was carried by a majority including the far-right, when yesterday the conservative CDU - and their sister party CSU - passed an anti-migrant motion with the support of the far-right AfD. For petty political gains,…
Meet the broligarchs: America’s new political elite that vows to wipe out democracy as we know it and impose a new world order. By joining ranks with Donald Trump, tech billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are of course looking to maximise their profits and reap many more…
We need to talk about billionaires and tax justice. In the EU alone, billionaires’ wealth surged by nearly €400 million in 2024, with a new billionaire nearly every week, says Oxfam. And yet the main burden of taxation falls on workers and middle class. This is unacceptable! In a world where…
Picture this: high-level officials come to investigate misuse of public money. They check into their hotel and while they’re out doing their jobs, their rooms are ransacked, all the info on their laptops is copied and their phones are bugged with spyware. Then, they’re followed everywhere they go,…
Check out what's on our progressive agenda next week in Strasbourg: 🇪🇺Commission's Working Programme ⛔️Collaboration between conservatives & far-right as a threat for competitiveness in the EU 🇺🇸Tarrifs! and more👇
Timely move! We welcome Commission's push for a swift Council position on the Customs Union package that should provide stronger tools to keep unsafe imports from 3rd countries out Future Digital Fairness Act must shield EU consumers from risky & unsafe e-commerce practices
The two-state solution is the only viable option for peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
The proposal to seize and resettle Gaza is a blatant violation of international law. Forcibly displacing an entire population is not a "vision"- it’s a crime against humanity. This reckless move would fuel conflict, destabilize the region, and stain USA's moral standing.
Fair taxes for the super-rich are key to prevent political, moral and economic failure. Coordinated wealth taxes and a minimum effective tax on capital gains can pave the way to greater tax justice.
We are now live with, Party Leader of Dutch GL-PvdA and former Commissioner on the Green Deal. Slowing down the Green Deal would translate into increased dependency on autocrats and rising energy bills. Europe must keep up the fight against climate change!
Today we have the pleasure to exchange with Philippe Lamberts, Advisor to 🇪🇺Commission President for the transition to a climate-neutral economy. We need to stay the course on the Green Deal, we will spare no effort to build trust and meet our objectives.