S&Ds express satisfaction at Mogherini's response to corruption allegations in Kosovo

The EU's high representative for foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini, announced this evening to the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee that the investigation into serious corruption allegations against the EU's 'EULEX' rule of law mission in Kosovo will be transferred to an independent investigator.
In response to the decision, Richard Howitt MEP, the foreign affairs spokesperson for the S&D Group in the European Parliament, said:

"Federica Mogherini has listened to the European Parliament and in one of her first major decisions in office, has shown herself to be strong, decisive and principled.

"The previous investigation looked more like a cover-up and the independent investigation the S&D Group called for must now proceed without delay or hindrance. There must be full legal accountability for any EU official found to be responsible for corruption or criminality.

"A timetable for the investigation and full transparency throughout the process can go a long way to restoring confidence in the European Union's mission and credibility in Kosovo."