S&D MEPS fight for an EU budget that has the capacity and flexibility needed to meet the many challenges Europe faces. EU spending is agreed as a yearly budget. However, the rules and guidelines for the annual budget are organised as part of a longer-term plan: the multi-annual financial framework. The current framework runs 2014-2020, with a review midway through.

Year after year, our MEPs fight to ensure that EU funding matches the commitments national governments make. We will be firm in defending European citizen's rights and funds where resources are needed most. In the EU budget 2019, thanks to S&Ds pressure, the European Parliament demanded adequate funds for fundamental tools devoted to the future of our young people.

We cannot face global challenges as individual countries. Only by working together can we deal with challenges such as the economic or refugee crises. The S&D Group believes an EU budget with the necessary resources is essential if we are serious about this and both the financial framework and the yearly budget need to be better used to meet citizens' aspirations.
We want to see a more transparent and fair system for financing the EU budget. We want the EU to have its own resources - direct means of raising revenues - rather than it coming from national budgets.
We want a budget that focuses on creating jobs and growth, with more money going to areas such as research and development, innovation, training and jobs, so we can boost employment and growth across the continent.
It is also essential that the EU budget is well managed. If we want to regain the trust of European taxpayers, we need to flush out any corruption and show that every euro is spent effectively.