S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

S&Ds Times - Weekly Update use this one

Quote of the week by S&D Group President, Iratxe Garcia:

“This is a historic achievement. For the first time since we have the Multiannual Financial Framework the Parliament managed to increase the amount initially agreed by the Council of the EU. This is very good news because we are living through a historic crisis and it needs historic decisions. After the agreement on the rule of law mechanism, this deal on the next 7-year budget opens the way to finalise the approval of the Recovery Package. Our citizens are waiting for it and we must all do our utmost to have it in place by 2021. The European Parliament delivers on its promises and no government should hijack our citizens’ chances for a fast recovery. I expect the EPP to secure the support among their governments for this deal, to stand by the rule of law mechanism and a reinforced EU budget.”


What a week! These past few days, S&Ds in the European Parliament have managed to foster an agreement on the EU’s next multi-annual budget, aka the MFF. This deal bears the strong and much-needed stamp of solidarity. Next step - endorsement in Plenary. We have also reiterated our call for a strong European budget for 2021, as the first year of the upcoming MFF.
We are getting ready for another full week, as we prepare for the upcoming Plenary session, scheduled to take place between 23 and 26 November.


We will kick off the week on Monday, with a vote in the employment committee on S&D MEP Agnes Jongerius’ report on A Strong Social Europe for a Just Transition.

Also on Monday, the special committee on taxation will hold a hearing on the possible role taxation could pay in financing the Recovery and Resilience Fund.

Members of the environment committee will grill health commissioner Stella Kyriakides on the EU’s Health and Pharma Strategy on Monday as well.

During a vote in the committee on Legal Affairs on Monday, members will confirm another big win for our Group. The final vote on collective redress - the possibility for citizens to bring collective lawsuits against large companies - is scheduled then and will be taken to Plenary in the November II session. 

Throughout the week, we will also keep a close eye on ongoing negotiations on the Brexit agreement.

Our members will also monitor the discussions around illicit content online, in our fight against terrorism.

On Wednesday 18 November, an agreement could be reached on ReactEU, the instrument to be used in fighting the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the near future. More details on our demands here.

We will also hold two Group meetings, on Tuesday and Wednesday, to discuss our priorities for the upcoming Plenary session.


Stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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