On Tuesday September 18 the president of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Udo Bullmann, visited Athens for a conference on the Future of Europe...
Socjaliści i Demokraci w Parlamencie Europejskim popierali projekt powołania Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności* od chwili, gdy został on przedstawiony przez Komisję we...
YES Summer Camp - Spain - For young socialist activists
Na zakończenie Wspólnego Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego, które odbyło się w Brukseli z udziałem przedstawicieli Unii Europejskiej oraz krajów Afryki, Karaibów i Pacyfiku...
Go Local - Reggio Emilia - Interviews
We want to give young Europeans like Philippe, Myriam and Giusy the chance they deserve to discover and live up to their full potential! This is why we advocate hard and...
Wrap-up on the fourth edition of the #DemocracyDays. Great energy, great ideas, great fun! For three days we've debated, exchanged ideas, danced and had fun with 111...
Go Local - Reggio Emilia
Go Local Milano
School of Democracy, 6 to 8 June 2017 - Our 4th edition! Share your opinions with other young people, politicians and academics on issues such as identity, citizenship...