2024 EU budget: 'How are we supposed to do more with less?'

EU budget 2024 wooden people

With the social-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2021-27 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), the motorhouse behind the actions of the European Union, finds itself in a perfect storm.

If we imagine the negotiations of every annual EU budget like a plane in distress in a perfect storm, the EU budget for next year is no exception. Where will we end up in 2024?

The European Commission says circumstances are difficult, but everything can be kept under control. The commission even asserts there have been no cuts in programmes in the proposal they made for next year's annual budget.

While this is true, reality is a bit more nuanced and, as we know, the devil is in the details.

And for now it is clear that the EU's multi-annual budget — the MFF — is stretched to its limits.

Victor Negrescu is a Socialists & Democrats (S&D) MEP from Romania and group negotiator on the EU budget 2024. Eider Gardiazabal Rubial is a S&D MEP from Spain and coordinator of the S&D in the European Parliament committee on budgets.

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